Wednesday 26 June 2013

5 Questions with Olive Tree Providores

What initially drew you to give up our day job to become wholly engulfed in to the world that is now known as Olive Tree Providores

I haven't actually given up the day job but decided my passion for food and healthy lifestyle could also be a business that supported local farmers.

Olive oil also has amazing health benefits and Australia produces some of the world's best, so Olive Oil Providores was born out of a love of local food and a boredom with the conventional corporate business principles.

Why markets?

Because they are the best place to meet our customers and build a relationship with them.  I also detest the major supermarket manipulation of local farmers and growers, so I was keen to support an alternate place for growers to sell and market their produce.

You are a massive promoter of "buy Australian" and the little vid you did showcasing the amazing produce at Double Bay Markets is a testament to that fact.

Obviously market shoppers attend for varying reasons including promoting the Buy Australian mantra.  What other ways do you think this message can be given either overtly or by other means (eg: educate the kids cause the kids who educate the parents are the best educators around!)

We should encourage our friends and family to shop from sustainable and environmentally sound sources.  Big corporate supermarkets are none of those.  We simply have to encourage everyone we (personally) know to shop locally for fresh healthy food and by doing that we automatically help farmers build and maintain a sustainable business.

The more we enthuse the principle, the more it will happen and the more we protect our environment.

You have gone on to win some AMAZING medals for your products (and deservedly so).  Are there any new additions in the making or would you have to kill us before telling us

Yes, we are about to launch a whole new range which we are very excited about which should be ready by Christmas.  The new range takes the "shop local" to an  entirely new level.

nb: not a new product but one that is soooo nice and a fantastic addition to their already amazing range

Stay tuned.....and yes, telling you may endanger your life!

What 5 words would you use to encourage conversion to not only organic but more importantly to buy Australian

Future proofing a sustainable future for all  (a little more than 5 words) plus it's a fantastic place to meet really friendly people!


And there you have it!  The good oil from someone who knows all!  Every Thursday (rain, hail or shine) you will find Belinda and her team at our Double Bay Market, so swing by, say hi, have a sniff, have a taste and then buy cause we PROMISE you, once tried forever enslaved.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

5 Questions with Michelle Bellamy

How long have you been part of market life?

I have been part of market life for about 18 months now, regularly working Thursdays and Sundays.  It evolved organically (pardon the pun) as all things should, and with my home-made Wakame Gomashio enjoying great interest from my customers, I see it continuing to evolve further in the future.

In your other life as a Nutritionist, what are some of the key benefits you feel for us (as consumers) to not only buy organic but making it a fundamental part of lifestyles?

I am Passionate about Health and want to feel its benefits as well as encourage others to do the same in their own way.  

There are endless benefits to incorporating a healthful organic diet in to our very hectic lifestyles.  Recognition of these benefits is gaining momentum and it's becoming harder to ignore.

Balance in life is something everyone strives for on a day to day basis: work, family, friends, fun - and a switch to organic produce is a huge step in the right direction.

As a marketeer, what are some noticeable changes regarding consumerism and their awareness (or awakening awareness) of not only "buying local" but incorporating it so it becomes second nature as opposed to "I'd better buy organic cause they (various forms of the media) tell me I should"?

The shift to more organic produce and other sustainable changes is noticeably growing and definitely becoming a more common occurrence in frequency and location.  This allows people to incorporate it into their lives simply through availability and convenience.

Working behind the scenes, as we do in the industry, also allows you to see the growth and the changes day by day.  In many countries overseas, these changes have been underway for much longer than Australia, and the prevalence of organically grown crops and sustainably sourced materials is much broader.

What is one of the most enjoyable aspects of being part of the Organic Food Market community?

Community is most certainly the biggest aspects.  Having others who get up as early as you helps you to get through the day!  

But also being out-of-doors on a sunny day is blissful too.  Knowing that you are working alongside people who share your values helping to create a better outlook for future generations is very enriching.

In 5 words can you sum up what "buying organic" means to you

Vital freshness, healthy, taste and vibrant

And with that we say thank you to Michelle and we think there is something for everyone in what she has said don't you?